One of Andrea Forges Davanzati’s objects that fascinates me as if it were alive is Rotifero*. Its body is made of stainless steel. Almost all of Andrea FRGS DVNZT’s works are made of stainless steel rod. Steel rod expertly shaped to give form. The body of Rotifero is composed of two rings and three straight segments. The two rings are welded at two opposite points, as if to suggest an ovoid volume. Actually, no particular organs are visible within this space. However, I don’t seem to see them, but it cannot be said that they do not exist. Normally the tensions are invisible. How else would the Rotifer be lying limply on a parallelepiped vulgaris which, he does, shows itself in the fullness of its physical qualities. Anyway, you will say, how can Munari say that the Rotifer is “lying down” on the basement? You can see it from the arm, formed by the three steel segments, straight, from the way he stands in the space he inhabits. We observe the two elbows with that slight bulge at the attachment. And the middle segment, perfectly horizontal as if resting on a mattress of air. I felt that the Rotifer had also noticed my presence, but he stood still as if I were not there.
I tried looking elsewhere, moving and then turning away sharply. He, nothing, impassively still in his space. Yet his forms denounce him as dynamic, as if he were always ready for a snap, a sudden turn, another fixity not predictable to a casual observer. I will come back again to see it, I said to myself (since I was there). If I had a large meadow at my disposal, in Monte Olimpino for example, I would have Andrea F.D. make a very large Rotifer at least eleven meters long, leaning on a rock protruding from the grass. And I will then see if, during the centuries, it really never moves. Beautiful, eleven meters, stainless steel, hello Andrea Bruno Munari – aprile 1993
*Rotifero, a microscopic living cell with one nucleus and a long arm for feeding and movement, means in latin something moving in circle, as a wheel.